A Scary Ghost Story

Many people find paranormal experiences scary, this ghost story and the ones following it have left unanswered questions with the people who experienced them. I give my opinion at the end of each of them.

I saw a ghost years ago, and it is still bothering me. It looked like a human, not see through, looked as solid as a person, and I actually saw him from the back and mistook him for my brother in law. I followed him, talking away, and he shut the room door on me, which I thought was rude.

I went to tell my sister what happened and I saw my brother in law in the livingroom. I knew a burglar was in the house as I'd seen him go into the bedroom. We all ran though and there was no one there.

Can ghosts appear solid as a real human? I would put this experience down to a hallucination or something but other family members seen a man in the house and heard noises through the night. My sister eventually moved. She was visiting mediums and going to a spiritualist church, could this have anything to do with it? I've never seen another ghost the rest of my life. Am I likely to ever again?

Ghosts can be as real looking as any living person and often you can talk to them and interact with them just like you would with anyone. Other times, or with other people, they are just a voice or a dim form. It's hard to tell if this is due to the ghost itself, or the person who is having the experience, or if there is another factor that causes there to be such a difference.

A person's mind state, I believe, has a lot to do with being able to perceive the paranormal. If she was working with a medium and strongly believed in what she was involved in it may be a contributing factor. I'm not saying that's what is responsible, but if someone is actively interacting with the paranormal they may find that they begin to become more aware of what is around them and they can have some, or more, experiences. This is usually because they are more receptive to what's out there.

Whether or not you ever see a ghost again, I suppose, depends on whether or not you want to see one and if there is one that wants to interact with you. They do have to want to contact us, we can't force them to.

Is She My Mirror Spirit?

My mom had lots of miscarriages and was never supposed to be able to give birth. When she was pregnant with me she was sitting around a campfire with my dad and his friends. My dad's psychic and his friend is also psychic.

Mom kept seeing a little girl with long brown hair, blue eyes and wearing a white dress. And the little girl kept poking mom, giggling and then disappearing.

My dad's friend asked mom if she knew that she was getting poked by a spirit and mom said yes.

Mom and I both almost died when I was born.

When I was 12 a few of my friends told me that they saw a girl that looked like me but was wearing a white dress. One friend said she knocked on my door and I didn't answer. But she said she saw me wearing a white dress go upstairs. But I wasn't home that day. I never told my friends about the story of the little girl until after they said they saw her. I used to kind of sense when she was around but I can't anymore. I'm wondering what she might have been? And why she looked like me?

This may or may not be a case of a doppelganger, since it doesn't quite follow the rules, you never saw yourself – it was always others that saw the little girl. She may be a Portent or maybe a messenger, though she feels a bit like a guardian. I don't know that I would class her as an angel but maybe that's only because we expect angels to be more serious and this one seems almost playful.

Sometimes it can be difficult to identify exactly what we saw. To me she seems to have been around to make sure things turned out all right.

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