Why would Ghost Apparitions be compelled to look at me for so long?

I have seen ghost apparitions that actually looked right at me. It was a white apparition. (woman) I heard that when ghosts are seen (or realize someone is watching them) they disappear. This one stared at me for what I thought was a long time. Why was she compelled to look at me so long?

Why would Ghost Apparitions be compelled to look at me for so long?

I heard that when ghosts are seen (or realize someone is watching them) they disappear.

It does happen that a lot of times that spirits will disappear very quickly when we spot them. Often that is due to ourselves losing the mind state that made it possible for us to see, hear, or get impressions from them in the first place.

Think of a visitation as a two way affair – a spirit may have the ability to make themselves be seen, but we need the ability to acknowledge that sighting and see and or hear them in return.

The state of our mind has a lot to do with being able to see ghosts. Your mind was open so you were able to not only see this one but hold on to the sighting for a time.

Why was she compelled to look at me so long?

Sometimes they visit to get a message across to us, staring at you as long as she did she may have been trying to convey a message to you.

One of the things that struck me right away was you referred to this sighting as a white apparition. What comes through to me is that this visitation doesn't fall into the category of ghost apparitions – what we perceive to be someone who has died and is now visiting, but more likely an angel – likely your guardian angel.

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