What Is It?

by Anonymous

On 3 occasions in the past 15 years, I have woken up with something holding me down, so I can't move, breathe or scream.

Eventually after what seems like an eternity, I slowly manage whisper, which slowly gets louder till I can speak- then I wake up.

On one of these occasions, this happened twice, I woke up and then realized I was still asleep, I had a terrible feeling of falling and it all happened again, till I woke for real.

Last night I was having a dream, which seemed fairly normal, I think I was with my family.

All of a sudden I said " oh no " and the person I was talking to head turned qrey and they became faceless.

Then I was unable to breathe, move or scream. I was calling my brother who was next to me in the dream, but no one could hear me.

Each time it has happened, it has felt like something sucking the life force out of me.

This was the worst by far, as it happened right in front of me and it took over someone.

Any ideas?

Comments for
What Is It?

Sleep Paralysis - Faceless Demon
by: Ilse Turnbull

It seems there may be two things going on here.
I have woken up with something holding me down, so I can't move, breathe or scream.

This is what is referred to as Sleep Paralysis. When we fall asleep our brain shuts down our muscles, or paralyzes them. This is so we don't run around while we're asleep. Sometimes things don't work in the proper sequence and our muscles are shut down before we are fully asleep.

We're aware and we can't move. It's also accompanied by vivid dreams, or visions if you'd prefer. Because we think we are fully awake, though we actually aren't, we think these dreams are real and happening to us. It's extremely frightening, but harmless.

Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, I slowly manage to whisper, which slowly gets louder till I can speak, then I wake up.

Wiggling toes, or fingers will help you wake up too. Just know that it can take a few seconds or minutes. Relaxing and not panicking also seems to help.

the person I was talking to head turned grey and they became faceless.

This can be part of the sleep paralysis dream, or a visitation from the faceless demon. Either one seems to represent the same meaning.

It could be that you are frightened of your family member growing old. We often associate getting old with dying. It's normal to be afraid of losing someone we love. If there would be a message in this it could be that all people grow old and we should make the best of the time we have together. More or less a little reminder to pay attention to those we love.

You can find more about sleep paralysis by going to this section:

Sleep Paralysis

Cure For Sleep Paralysis

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